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(Geloest)System Tray uebernimmt pannel!!

Zwischen 18:45 am Heutige Abend Pacific standart Zeit hat die System Tray 6/8 mein pannel genommen.
Koennte ihr mir bitte die stelle helfen. :???:

Ich moechte sehr an euch bedanke fuer eure hilfe.



Ultimate Guru
Sorry, könntest du dich bitte etwas Präzisieren wegen meiner auch in Englisch ich verstehe im Moment nicht was du meinst.


ich verstehe hier auch nicht wirklich was. Ich kann mir blos was zusammenreimen. Evtl bringt hier auch ein Bild bessere Klarheit.
Der Systembereich der Kontrollleiste von schwabeMICHAEL nimmt neuerdings fast die ganze Breite ein - so verstehe ich das. Michael, versuche mal, den Systembereich / Systray über die Plasma-Miniprogramme erstmal zu entfernen und dann wieder hinzuzufügen.


Hi ich glaube, da muss nichts entfernt werden.
Rechte Maustaste in der Kontrollleiste, Konfigurationsmenue der Kontrollleiste aufrufen.
Jetzt erscheint parallel über die gesammte Breite des Bildschirms ein Konfigurationsbalken.
Wenn man in einen leeren Bereich hineinklickt kann mann die Höhe der eigentlichen Kontrollleiste durch Ziehen bei gedrückter linker Taste einrichten (es erscheint ein Curser mit vier Richtungspfeilen).

Falls ich Schwabe Problem richtig deutete.
Bei mir läuft z.Z. kein KDE 4, daher kann ich es nicht direkt nachvollziehen.
Wenn es stimmt kann das vielleicht einer übersetzen.
Gruß Ganymed
Es geht ja um die Breite der Systemabschnitts, nicht um die Höhe des gesamten Panels. Ich habe das eben mal provoziert und ein wenig mit dem Systray herumgespielt, bis das Ding auch so breit war - ist echt tricky, ich muss noch herausfinden, wie man das rückgängig macht.

Zur Not muss man das Panel wohl komplett neu einrichten.


Für die Breite hast Du links oder rechts, je nach Positionierung der Kontrollleiste zwei Pfeile die in entgegengesetzte Richtung weisen aber in zwei Zeilen angeordnet sind.
Mit diesen kannst Du die Kontrollleiste an die Bildschirmbreite anpassen.
Änderungen hier sind jeder Zeit reversibel.

Gruß Ganymed
gropiuskalle"gropiuskalle schrieb:
Thanks gropiuskalle, :up:
Ja das ist die breite ,you are in the right direction "(mit dem Systray)that what happen to me.Please could you help me out.Zwar benutzte ich die screen Edge to shorting the systray it is not working :/
I`ll give you lots of time to find out how can we reverse that problem,because it could happen to others to.
But if you don`t figure out,then could you please help me how to remake a new panel ;).

Ich moecht euch rechtherzlich bedanke fuer the past answer ;)

Gruss Michael

PS Ich bin mit openSuse auch als Mitglieder und einer von dem hat mir geantwordet,kann das helfen:

kquitapp plasma
rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc
plasma &

wuerde das helfen?
I'll keep it in english, okay?

To build a new panel is fairly easy: just unlock the 'mini-programmes' via right-click on the desktop, then rightclick the panel itself and choose to remove it, then choose a new panel to be added on your desktop. It will appear empty so you can configure it to your needs.

As for the size of the systray, Ganymed presented a solution which works fine on my sys and would save you the hassle of redesigning the entire panel: unlock the miniprogrammes, then click the "cashew" on the panel. You will see two opposing arrows which you can use to set the size of the systray (after clicking the systray? Not sure of it, give it another try).
gropiuskalle schrieb:
I'll keep it in english, okay?

To build a new panel is fairly easy: just unlock the 'mini-programmes' via right-click on the desktop, then rightclick the panel itself and choose to remove it, then choose a new panel to be added on your desktop. It will appear empty so you can configure it to your needs.

As for the size of the systray, Ganymed presented a solution which works fine on my sys and would save you the hassle of redesigning the entire panel: unlock the miniprogrammes, then click the "cashew" on the panel. You will see two opposing arrows which you can use to set the size of the systray (after clicking the systray? Not sure of it, give it another try).

I will try out on Monday14.09 and I will let you know,but away nice to see you again ;) .
:eek:ps: My wwife is coming with a big gun I better go see yeah
Oh thank you, you're very welcome. :)

I just switched to KDE4 to give my mini-howto a try, and it appears that a new panel can be added via rightclicking the desktop, not by using the mini-programm-dialog. The rest should be just right.

My regards to your wife! :D
gropiuskalle schrieb:
Oh thank you, you're very welcome. :)

I just switched to KDE4 to give my mini-howto a try, and it appears that a new panel can be added via rightclicking the desktop, not by using the mini-programm-dialog. The rest should be just right.

My regards to your wife! :D

Well I have to reno. my Condo get ready for sell that is #1 and computer is the #2.
Please could you do for me a favour and look into.
Well I add a new Panel and add system tray the samething it takes over the 3/4 of the panel,I know there is a way to make it that it will just use normal space :???: .
If it takes 2 week okay with me.
Thnx for helping in the past and in the future ;)
I have to go :D
Um, seems like the settings are sort of fixed.

Are you sure you can't change the width of the systray by using those arrows? It worked fine for me... Well, if it still won't work, you can try to remove the config-files from plasma:

rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc

...and restart your KDE-Session. After that you'll have to re-set up your desktop, but this time with your needed settings. I hope.


Advanced Hacker
Probiert doch einfach mal folgendes:

* Miniprogramme entsperren
* Miniprogramm hinzufügen
* Fensterleiste

Durch die Fensterleiste wird bei mir der Systemabschnitt auf minimale Größe gequetscht.

gropiuskalle schrieb:
Um, seems like the settings are sort of fixed.

Are you sure you can't change the width of the systray by using those arrows? It worked fine for me... Well, if it still won't work, you can try to remove the config-files from plasma:

rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc

...and restart your KDE-Session. After that you'll have to re-set up your desktop, but this time with your needed settings. I hope.

What I get the answer of
rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc
/home/michaelKanada/Documents # rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc
rm: cannot remove `/root/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc': No such file or directory
and Iget a extra Error it saying:

! Sorry - Plasma Workspace

Error launching /home/michaelKanada/Desktop/konsole.desktop.
Either KLauncher is not running anymore, or it failed to start the application.

I installed it with Yast and I do not know why is still complaining :???:
Is it has to do with the System tray :???:
Oh oh oh, this is very important: when not working at administrative tasks, one should never be root! Use these commands as a normal user.

Explanation: '~' is for /home/username, so when you are Michael, it is read as /home/michaelKanada, but when you are root, it is read as /root (home-directory of root, that's why no /.kde4-folder is found).

Since you were working on your KDE4-→user←settings, you should stay Michael and not become root, okay?

About the second problem: What exactly did you try do install and when does the error-message show?
gropiuskalle schrieb:
Oh oh oh, this is very important: when not working at administrative tasks, one should never be root! Use these commands as a normal user.

Explanation: '~' is for /home/username, so when you are Michael, it is read as /home/michaelKanada, but when you are root, it is read as /root (home-directory of root, that's why no /.kde4-folder is found).

Since you were working on your KDE4-→user←settings, you should stay Michael and not become root, okay?

About the second problem: What exactly did you try do install and when does the error-message show?

I try to install Plasma,so the error is solved and when I use konsole all the time I find out my computer tell that kind of error:

! Sorry - Plasma Workspace
Error launching /home/michaelKanada/Desktop/konsole.desktop.
Either KLauncher is not running anymore, or it failed to start the application.

Just about 1 minute later a new Error came up.
I found out that I open konsole and wait only few second and close the konsole few seconed when is open my computer tell`s me.

Sorry - Plasma Workspace
KDEInit could not launch '/opt/kde3/bin/konsole'.
I would like to find out how can I know which plasma version I have.
Can someone please let me know.
Thank you for giving me hand to solved the problem soon.
Why did you reinstall Plasma at all? It almost seems to me like you totally messed up your environment.

Versions of any app can be found via YaST. In a terminal you can always ask for a version like this

rpm -qa libplasma1

More general:

rpm -qa $name_of_the_app