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fetchmail + emails sortieren

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Advanced Hacker
natürlich gibt es bei fetchmail logdateien, genauso wie bei procmail - hier wahrscheinlich die bessere und wichtigere Quelle.

wo sie liegen und ob sie überhaupt aktiviert sind liegt an deiner konfiguration


The -L <filename> or --logfile <filename> option (keyword: set logfile) is only effective when fetchmail is detached. This option allows you to redirect status messages into a specified logfile (follow the option with the logfile name). The logfile is opened for append, so previous messages aren’t deleted. This is primarily useful for debugging configurations.

The --syslog option (keyword: set syslog) allows you to redirect status and error messages emitted to the syslog(3) system daemon if available. Messages are logged with an id of fetchmail, the facility LOG_MAIL, and priorities LOG_ERR, LOG_ALERT or LOG_INFO. This option is intended for logging status and error messages which indicate the status of the daemon and the results while fetching mail from the server(s). Error messages for command line options and parsing the .fetchmailrc file are still written to stderr, or to the specified log file. The --nosyslog option turns off use of syslog(3), assuming it’s turned on in the ~/.fetchmailrc file, or that the -L or --logfile <file> option was used.


To get a log of what happens you set at the beginning of your ~/.procmailrc recipes file
SHELL=/usr/bin/sh # Use Bourne shell
MAILDIR=${HOME}/Mail # Customize as appropriate
LOGFILE=${MAILDIR}/procmail.log # Your procmail log # <<<!!!!!
VERBOSE=yes # Produce full information
LOGABSTRACT=all # - " -

Du siehst man kann doch etwas falsch machen bei Fetchmail bzw. zumindest etwas übersehen.

BTW, ich frage mich gerade woher du weißt, das fetchmail funktioniert, wenn Du noch nie die Logs betrachet hast.
Bedenke: eine ankommene / abgehende Mail macht noch kein stabiles Mailsystem

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